Karnataka Adijambava Development Corporation

Unnati Scheme

Dr. BR Ambedkar Development Corporation has been implementing the scheme for 2018-19 on all development corporations that come under the purview of the Social Welfare Department. The objective of the scheme is to provide financial support of up to Rs 50.00 lakh per qualified entrepreneur who will be selected as a support for early financial problems if Scheduled Caste talented young men and women start up enterprises in urban and rural areas. The project already exists in the ITBT department of Karnataka Government and the scheme will be expanded to entrepreneurs of the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in the same manner, The applications will be accepted online and beneficiary entrepreneurs will be selected by a high level evaluation committee and final selection committee.

  • Applicants must be eligible for compliance with the terms of the Start-up policy.
  • Applicants are not considered eligible for grant as soon as they are eligible as idea2PoA Qualifying criteria.
  • The applicant will not qualify for the grants if he/she is receiving financial support for the same purpose from other organization/Department.
  • Why Unnati ?

    The Scheduled Caste unemployed, licensed young ladies who have a small motor vehicle license make the taxpayers the owner of the "irrigation scheme" in collaboration with "Ola"/"Uber"

    Component Cost The scheme will be subsidized by the corporation for up to 50% will be implemented by the bank / financial institution / benificiary subsidy.

    Component Cost The scheme will be subsidized by the corporation for up to 50% will be implemented by the bank / financial institution / benificiary subsidy.

    The Scheduled Caste unemployed, licenced young ladies who have a small motor vehicle licence make the taxpayers the owner of the "irrigation scheme" in collaboration with "Ola"/"Uber"

    Common Eligibility

    • Applicants must belong to the Scheduled Castes.
    • Must be the resident of Karnataka State.
    • Applicants must be 21 years to 50 years of age.
    • The annual income of the applicant's family shall be within Rs.5,00,000 / -.
    • Applicant Must be a holder of Technical /Professional Degree / Master's degree.
    • To avail the facility under Dr. BR Ambedkar development scheme the applicant must be eligible to register in the "Karnataka Start-up Cell"
    • The applicant should exhibit a special PPT about launching a successful technical venture with his degree and special talent.


    1. Applicants must register online at the prescribed date.
    2. Applicant should explain the details of the project in the online application for starting / launching a new business in the field of technology.
    3. One must submit an Only one online application . if more applications re submitted onlyhe first application will be considered and additional applications of the applicant will be rejected.
    4. Applicants must be committed to maintaining the new business in full size. No other business or other job income or fellowship can be obtained.
    5. The support of the corporation's support (incentive) will be discontinued after the applicant has begun a new enterprise to acquire the necessary financial system for investments from other prospective sources.